10th Steering Committee

OpenChain KWG Steering Committee, 10th Meeting


  • Schedule: 2023-05-11 (Tue) 17:00~18:00 / Zoom
  • Attendees
    • Eunkyung Hwang, Kakao
    • Yunhwan Jung, Samsung Electronics
    • Jiho Han, Dasom Han, NCSOFT
    • Seoyeon Lee, Line Plus
    • Haksung Jang, SK Telecom


  1. The 2023 first quater budget use results were reported.
  2. Prepared the KWG meeting in the second quarter of 2023
  3. Major events in 2023
    • Election of steering committee members (at the 3rd KWG meetings)
    • Election of steering committee leader (at the 4th quarter steering committee)
Last modified August 22, 2023: add steering committee minutes (700cbe371)