10th Steering Committee

OpenChain KWG Steering Committee, 10th Meeting


  • Schedule: 2023-05-11 (Tue) 17:00~18:00 / Zoom
  • Attendees
    • Eunkyung Hwang, Kakao
    • Yunhwan Jung, Samsung Electronics
    • Jiho Han, Dasom Han, NCSOFT
    • Seoyeon Lee, Line Plus
    • Haksung Jang, SK Telecom
    • Soim Kim, LG Electronics


  1. Review of the 18th KWG meeting (Kakao)
  2. Preparation for the 19th KWG meeting
    • Schedule & Agenda
  3. Steering Committee election schedule discussion
Last modified August 22, 2023: update meeting minutes (f0326fd2b)